
The noise made in ones head

Thinking Aloud

  • Goodbye, Jan
    Yesterday, my friend Jan died of Covid. While I’ve heard many stories and news about death, this one hit closer to my heart. I knew the man, I was good friends with him and for a moment in his brief history, we were close. One minute he was there and quite literally he was notContinue reading “Goodbye, Jan”
  • That magic hour
    A whole day of swimming, I’m now sun kissed and doing my best to untangle my hair. I share a laugh or two with friends over some banana fritters and vodka cocktail. Life is indeed a beach. I hope that wherever you may be, you’re warm, healthy and happy.
  • Salty Chronicles: Epilogue
    So you got your lessons and you’ve been practicing in the pool. What’s next?  The open-waters. There is no better place to play and practice freediving than the open-water. I’m lucky to be living in a country considered to be in the middle of the coral-triangle. This means that abundant reefs are always close toContinue reading “Salty Chronicles: Epilogue”


Japan Dream

This is my Japan 14-day itinerary — when I finally get to take it

Diver’s (experience) log

Salty Chronicles

I can’t quite explain it, but the peace and freedom from the weightlessness [of diving] is what draws me to it.runjeanrun

I’ve been freediving for three years. While I’ve yet to chart a personal notable depth, I’m happy with what I can do with each breath-hold I take.

When you are in your narcy-mode, you write

100 Things

Short Story

The Tale of He

Prologue: The End Of Peace

Because I could not stop for Death —
He kindly stopped for me —
The Carriage held but just Ourselves —
And Immortality.

-Emily Dickinson-

… Not quite sure where or how, but I’m falling. I should be scared I know and I never should invite such thoughts. It was ridiculous but putting my mind the right side up was hardly helpful. I would not survive a day. I heard them laughing from a distance, my friends, who knew nothing of my storms. Knew nothing of my fear. But listen I did, as I looked into the sky and allowed it to clear my head he approached …

About the Author

At the beginning of her career, the author wrote for a local film company as a member of their Creative Development Group . She got in after placing at a National screen-writing contest. While an editor for her school paper, she moonlighted for a Christian magazine as a content contributor.

She’s recently written content for Airtasker and is currently writing for a leading search engine as an Instructional Design Senior Analyst.

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